6 Top Risk Factors for Heart Disease

Heart disease is a killer that does not discriminate between men and women or even the various cultures or socioeconomic backgrounds. Yes, it has even been called a universal killer because more people die from heart disease each year than other illnesses – several million a year worldwide! With some people, heart wellness is not even a blip on their radar because they don't even know anything about it! Others have a variety of health problems and know they are at greater risk than the average person for heart disease because of those problems. Some people take blood pressure medicine for much of their adult life.

Knowing what the risk factors are can greatly help in reducing your chances of developing heart disease. While there are likely dozens of contributing causes, there are six top risk factors for heart disease – with several that you can do something about. Here they are:

1. Hypertension – Also known as high blood pressure, hypertension is one of the leading contributors to heart disease. Why? Blood pressure basically is a measure of the force of the blood flow. The greater that force is, the more likely it is to cause problems, especially when other factors exist. The longer hypertension goes unchecked the more likely you are to develop hardening of the arteries, thickening of the heart muscle and much more. Exercise and diet can lower hypertension but sometimes medications are necessary to help.

2.Smoking – A nicotine habit can be life controlling. Smoking can promote the collection of fatty deposits in the blood which can lead to arterial blockage and heart disease. It also promotes narrowing of the arteries which requires the heart to pump harder to push oxygen through the body and results in hypertension.

3. Diabetes – This metabolic disease affects how insulin is produced and absorbed in the body. People with diabetes have a greater chance of developing several conditions that lead to heart disease such as narrowing of the arteries, arterial damage and hardening of the arteries. This condition can also affect the muscles, of which the heart is one of the most important ones.

4. High cholesterol – Cholesterol is important to the body as it is a necessary component for the healthy lining of body cells and blood vessels. You get cholesterol from foods as well as normal liver function. Even if you eat virtually no cholesterol, your body should be able to produce enough to adequately sustain healthy cells and blood vessels. Therefore, adding more cholesterol via the diet can boost cholesterol beyond normal limits in the blood. As this happens, plaque will build up along the arterial walls causing not only hardening of the arteries but also narrowing. This can contribute to heart problems by placing more burdens on the heart to get oxygen and nutrients to the body.

5. Obesity – Being hugely overweight contributes to a variety of other factors which in turn can develop into heart disease. Obesity means that you are likely to have higher cholesterol levels, problems with insulin production and absorption (diabetes issues) and more. When you lose the weight, less poundage removes some of the burden on your body and reduces heart disease risk.

6. Family genetics – Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about family history and propensity towards heart disease. What you can change is how you live your life. A healthy diet low in fats and cholesterol and high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other heart healthy substances can go a long way towards preventing the development of heart disease in you. Add clean living (no smoking or alcohol) and exercise and you have a winning trifecta against heart disease.

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Eat Your Way To Lower Blood Pressure

A sphygmomanometer, a device used for measurin...Image via Wikipedia

In the United States today high blood pressure is at epidemic levels with more than 65 million people suffering from high blood pressure and another 45 million having a condition referred to as pre-hypertension. High blood pressure is a symptomless disease which heightens your risk of heart attack and stroke and you could very easily have it without any knowledge of it until it is too late.

Most of us know that if you quit smoking cigarettes that will help with your blood pressure. Of course there is also blood pressure medicine available that can help to lower blood pressure, but many of these have side effects and, even though some people may need to take medicine at least in the short term to control high blood pressure, a far better solution is to seek out some natural remedies for high blood pressure if you are able to.

For almost all of us high blood pressure is linked to weight and diet and this is a major problem today when nearly seventy percent of Americans are either overweight or obese. Additionally, most Americans get far too much salt in their diet and not enough of the many other beneficial minerals and vitamins which can actually reduce blood pressure. In a nutshell, it is possible to eat your way to a normal blood pressure and never have to use blood pressure medicine, if you know what to do.

Indeed, it is often possible to reduce your blood pressure quite quickly if you alter your diet and begin taking exercise. That said, if you've not been exercising for a long time you ought not to suddenly begin exercising vigorously and it is always prudent to consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

To begin with though let us look at some things which you should avoid and top of the list comes salt. Salt is one of the main offenders in today's high blood pressure epidemic. Excessive dietary fat is also a culprit as it encourages weight gain, arteriosclerosis, and other difficulties which result in high blood pressure. Therefore, two things which you should avoid (or at least reduce) in your diet are salt and excess fat, particularly saturated or trans fats.

What types of food should you include in your diet to help lower your blood pressure? Well, potassium is one of the main substances which is missing in today's American diet and which is very beneficial for your blood pressure. Potassium helps lower blood pressure just as salt helps raise your blood pressure and so getting enough potassium in your diet can help stabilize blood pressure.

It's easy to get enough potassium in your diet by merely adding plenty of frozen or fresh vegetable and fruits, providing of course that they do not have any added salt or sugar. Although this could seem unappetizing to many people, it is an excellent way to make sure that you normalize your blood pressure. And of course, at the same time you also want to cut down on the salt to no more than the daily sodium intake recommended of about 2400 mg each day. An excellent way to do this is not to add any salt to your diet at all as natural unprocessed foods contain sufficient salt and, if you wish to add flavor to your food then simply try adding spices and herbs.

Magnesium and calcium are two other minerals that can help in lowering blood pressure. Both calcium and magnesium are considered to be calming minerals and the majority of Americans don't get enough of either in their diets. Dairy products which are low in fat are a good source of calcium as are nuts, legumes, and dark and leafy green vegetables. You ought to endeavor to get a balance of roughly two parts of magnesium to three parts of calcium. Foods like soybeans, white beans and sesame seeds not only contain a lot of calcium and magnesium but they are also good sources of potassium.

Lastly, ensure that you drink enough water and also get sufficient fiber in your diet. Fiber helps to clear toxins and other unhealthy substances from your body and it can help you feel full so that you are not tempted to eat too much. If you try all these dieting ideas, it is likely that you will never need blood pressure medicine.

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What Is A Cholesterol Free Diet And Is It Good For Me?

Cholesterol has been a hot topic in the past ten years. People draw conclusions that if you have cholesterol you have a poor diet and have poor health, people also want to get rid of cholesterol without understanding what it is or how it affects your body.

People need to learn that there are in fact two types of cholesterol bad cholesterol (known as low density or LDL) and good cholesterol (known as high density or HDL). People do not realize that cholesterol is an essential substance in the human body but it depends on the levels that you have. If you were to choose a cholesterol free diet it could be very harmful to your wellbeing, HDL cholesterol are really extremely vital to certain bodily functions such as constructing and repairing cell walls. New research shows and even suggests that HDL cholesterol acts as a crude antioxidant.

You do not need to eat negative calorie foods or have a cholesterol free diet if there have been signs you or your family have had a history of heart problems or cardiovascular disease. Instead, understand what bad cholesterol you need to avoid and maintain the beneficial cholesterol in your diet. LDL cholesterol can certainly be challenging, as it has been associated with heart attacks as well as strokes, but it doesn’t require a lot of effort to methodically eliminate it from your diet. Instead of trying to keeping away from cholesterol overall, steer clear of a cholesterol free diet and as a substitute look for foods that are low in LDL cholesterol and high in HDL cholesterol.

Is A Cholesterol Free Diet The Best Choice?

To find foods which are good for your health is not as hard a task as you may think as long as you know what you are looking for. Foods such as lean meat and fish are both good meat choices, and are also high in protein. Also choose low-fat dairy products and be sure to keep up with your grains, vegetable and fruit intake. A good diet to control or reduce your cholesterol would be around six servings of grains each day, three to five servings of vegetables and two to four servings of fruits.

This diet is not a hard one to follow and if your keep this strategy in place when shopping then you will be avoiding the products which contain the harmful LDL cholesterol. Remember to reduce your fat in take especially fats that have saturated fat as they tend to raise blood cholesterol levels. Avoid eating fried foods as well, choosing grilled, broiled and baked foods as a healthy alternative.

So the question of what is a cholesterol free diet and is it good for me is answered. A cholesterol free diet may not be the right decision if you want to keep your heart and body strong. By simply choosing a balanced diet will help you to weed out the bad cholesterol and keep the good cholesterol. It will help you avoid taking blood pressure medicine and all the other medicines that you might need to take otherwise.

Three Simple Steps Which Can Help To Lower Bad Cholesterol Naturally

High cholesterol levels, and additional when it refers to bad cholesterol is a grave health concern that unfortunately is affecting a larger amount of people today than before. Part of the cause for this is that people nowadays are eating too many foods that contain excess of bad cholesterol. Thus, if you find that your LDL (bad) cholesterol levels are higher than suggested, you would need to look to lower bad cholesterol naturally before taking the drug based options.

A Good and Regular Diet

The first thing you need to do in order to lower bad cholesterol naturally is to maintain a regular diet in which you will need to eliminate or even totally avoid those foods that are loaded with too much of bad cholesterol. In fact, you need to start eating more of vegetables and fruits as well as more of whole grains that help reduce bad cholesterol levels than eat foods with high fat content or even fast foods.

Your diet should also contain more of soluble fiber which is generally found in beans, whole grains and even fruits and vegetables. In addition, to lower bad cholesterol naturally through your diet you also need to avoid eating animal foods because animal tissues are also loaded with cholesterol.

The second step you need to take with regard to lowering cholesterol naturally is to make sure that your lifestyle is such that it does not contribute to raising your bad cholesterol levels. A simple act such as exercising regularly can have a profound and positive impact on lowering bad cholesterol levels, and it also helps you to maintain better body weight.

The third simple step that you should consider taking when it concerns lowering cholesterol naturally is to eat Chinese herbs which are known to provide excellent results when it comes to lowering bad cholesterol levels. Used properly, Chinese herbs can produce the required low bad cholesterol levels in a mild and safe as well as effective manner. However, results are only noticeable after a few months and so you need to be patient when using this option.

These simple steps can go a long way in helping you to lower bad cholesterol naturally and you will generally notice that they will make your liver work normally though in order to determine how much improvement has been achieved, you will need to take a cholesterol blood test. Of course, before taking these steps, you need to, in case you are taking other medications like blood pressure medicine, check with your medical health practitioner, who will recommend the proper plan of action which may be different from the steps mentioned here.

Cholesterol and Your Health 101

In the pages of lifestyle magazines, cholesterol is often portrayed as a potential demon ruthlessly affecting the quality of your life. The rises in the cardio vascular diseases have made the people aware of the harmful effects of cholesterol and high blood pressure. There are both cholesterol and blood pressure medicine alternatives but the best way to fight it is naturally. Unfortunately, not many people are aware of the fact that cholesterol can both be good and bad.

Good and Bad Cholesterol

Cholesterol is good?! Yes of course; this soft, waxy substance found in the lipid fats in the bloodstream and in all your body's cells is an essential part of a healthy body; it helps in manufacturing cell membranes and in the production of some types of hormones.

So when does this apparently helpful substance actually pose a threat to your health? When the level of the cholesterol is too high in the blood —a condition known as hypercholesterolemia — it becomes a risk factor for your heart health. A high level of cholesterol in your body is the precursor for the coronary heart disease that ultimately culminates into heart attack.

Types of cholesterol

Depending on the types of lipoprotein--- special carriers that help cholesterols to be transported to and from the cells---the cholesterol can be of two major types:

  • Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol
  • High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol


Now HDL cholesterol is regarded as the good variety, while the LDL acts as the chief villain. The HDL is good because it drives cholesterol away from the arteries and transport them back to the liver that helps it eliminate from the body. In a nutshell a high level of HDL cholesterol acts as a shield against heart attack. Learning how to increase HDL is important and one way you can do it is with excercise. So be careful if you find HDL level in your blood is less than 40 mg/dL. (In case of women the amount is 50 mg/dL.


When the level of LDL cholesterol is too high in your blood, it ends in being accumulated in the walls of the arteries carrying blood to two important organs of heart and brain. The net result is clogging of those arteries by hard plaques made of cholesterol and other substances. This condition is known as atherosclerosis. When the plaque tends to block blood flow to your heart, the result is a heart attack. When the clog disrupts blood flow to the brain, a stroke is the final outcome.

Dealing with Cholesterol

  • A regular cholesterol checking will ensure that you never face these consequences. So go for a cholesterol check right away and if you happen to find the level of LDL cholesterol is 160 mg/dL or above, there are enough reason to raise alarm. Make sure that LDL cholesterol level in your blood never exceeds the mark of 100 mg/dL.
  • Cholesterol is produced in our own body. The additional source of cholesterol is the foods rich in both saturated fat and Trans fat. For a cholesterol free life, restrict your cholesterol intake to 300 milligrams per day.
  • Shake off the sedentary lifestyle and make physical activity a compulsory part of your daily routine.
  • Try to give up smoking and cut back on alcohol consumption.
  • Get your blood pressure under control with blood pressure medicine.

Most of the people fall prey of the harmful effects of the cholesterol because of their lack of awareness. But now that you know the basic facts about cholesterol, don’t let this menace mess up your health and your life. Take necessary precautions and enjoy your life to the fullest.

Cholesterol Blood Test: What You Need To Know

Cholesterol is an essential substance to maintain your body working. This might come as a surprise, as all the literature out there seems to indicate that cholesterol is bad. There are two types of cholesterol, HDL cholesterol or good cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol, which are better known as bad cholesterol. To ensure that you do not have bad cholesterol you need to have a test and to have the test you need to know how to prepare for a cholesterol blood test.

Cholesterol testing can help conclude whether you have an sufficient level of good cholesterol, too much bad cholesterol, the total amount of cholesterol in your bloodstream, and the presence of triglyceride levels that can cause blockages in the arteries. Cholesterol testing is a simple blood test and will help you get a better picture of your state of health, and what you can do to be healthier.

Who Should Have A Cholesterol Test?

Cholesterol testing should be carried out every five years. You don’t have to be middle aged to take a cholesterol test. In fact it’s advisable to take one as soon as you reach the age of twenty. Waiting until your forties may be too late. The sooner you have a clear idea about your risks for heart disease the better.

How To Prepare For A Cholesterol Blood Test

To prepare for cholesterol blood test you should fast for fourteen hours before the test. This means no food or drink, with the exception of water, before you take the test. You should not drink alcohol for forty-eight hours before the test as well. Although the test can be carried out without a fast you can only use the results for total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol levels. It’s advisable that you do abstain from food so that you get a more accurate picture.

The Procedure

The next step on preparing for a cholesterol blood test is going to a hospital or to your doctors surgery where the required blood sample will be drawn the same way any other blood test is carried out. The actual procedure only takes a few minutes and doesn’t hurt much. You may feel minor discomfort when the needle used to draw blood is inserted into your vein.

After the blood test you can start eating again as you would normally do. If you were asked to stop taking any medications then your doctor will advice you when you can resume taking said medication. After the test your doctor will send the blood sample for analysis and determine the likelihood that you might develop heart disease.

Other factors such as family history, age, lifestyle and prior heart attacks will be taken into account when determining your risk of developing heart disease. If you do have less than desirable cholesterol levels then your doctor can advise you on the next step.

Keeping Your Cholesterol Under Control

You would have all heard about cholesterol and the recommendations of changes in diets and prescribe medication associated with it. But the truth is that many people don’t understand cholesterol and its purpose in our body. To control your cholesterol you first need to know how it works.

Cholesterol is a lipid (fatty acid) that resides in the cell membranes of the human body. Most cholesterol is actually synthesized in the body, but a good proportion of it is ingested as a section of food.

You have good cholesterol and bad cholesterol and the two kinds need to be differentiated between: Bad cholesterol, or LDL, has been associated to cardiovascular disease, heart attack and stroke if consumed at unhealthy levels.Good cholesterol, HDL,on the other hand, is responsible for important bodily functions. HDL cholesterol helps to construct and maintain cell walls and performs other cell maintenance.

Controlling Cholesterol Through Diet: What Can You Do About It?

There are quite a few ways you can control your blood cholesterol levels. cholesterol is not soluble in blood, so it sometimes takes a helping hand. Most of these are basic routine changes that can have an enormous and helpful result on your cholesterol levels. The first is to look at controlling cholesterol through diet.

The most apparent ways are to select your diet carefully. Foods that are high in fat have an inclination to lift cholesterol. Do not cut out fats totally from your diets. Look at selecting specific foods that are low in saturated fat but have a good amount of unsaturated fat. The body physically requires a small amount of fat for key body functions.

Lean red meat and fish are both good choices and should be incorporated liberally into your diet. They are high in protein, which helps to build muscle, and relatively low in fat content.Choose dairy procts that are low in fat, it can be as easy as that to lower your cholesterol.

If after changing your diet or your cholesterol levels are often too high then it is advisable to consult your doctor. You can know control cholesterol with the many drugs that are avaiable. And remember that with any new drug, it’s important to notify your healthcare professional about any additional medications that you are taking at the time.

The side effects of controlling cholesterol through drugs tend to be relatively mild, and will generally cease after your body adjusts to the new medication.

Is Chronic Heartburn A Sign Of Other Problems?

For heartburn symptoms to be deemed chronic, it would have to occur more than three times a week for a period of two or three weeks. If you are suffering from continual heartburn it is important to check if there have been any alterations in diet, excessive consumption of alcohol, increased stress or the taking of strong medications on a regular basis.

For chronic heartburn to be confirmed a substantial change must have occured, if the person’s diet or other aspects of their lifestyle have not changed, it could be a sign of other medical problems. It is important to be aware of the circumstances as anybody using self-treatment to combat chronic heartburn may be disguising the symptoms of these more serious problems

Usually, heartburn is caused by the contents in the stomach being forced back into the esophagus, causing the acid in the stomach to irritate its sensitive lining. There are many causes of this such as:
- gastrointestinal reflux,
- a hiatal hernia
- or a blockage in the stomach.
When a patient suffers from chronic heartburn it is necessary to check with a doctor to rule out any of these major problems.

Usually, when a person suffers from heartburn, it is quite normal if there has been a dietary change causing inconsistency or they eat or drink something that is high in acidic content, thus causing the digestive system to work overtime producing excessive acid. In these cases and over the counter medication will usually work quelling the burning sensation, which will disappear once the substance has been processed. However, if the heart burn continues for several days at a time over a week or two, it is likely that chronic heartburn may be diagnosed and treated with prescription medications.

Quenching The Fire In The Belly

For sufferers of chronic heartburn, they are also at risk for developing ulcers in the oesophagus as well as in the stomach. Quite often it is the result of the stomach being tricked into thinking more acid is needed to help with the digestive process that exacerbates the situation. Many believe falsely that drinking milk as a diluting substance can calm an acid stomach when in reality milk may actually promote the stomach’s acid pumps to produce more owing to the added content in the stomach.

Anybody suffering from chronic heartburn will need to change their lifestyle to help eliminate the problem. This usually requires a change of diet (ie. staying away from rich fatty foods that require a lot of digestion and sticking to more fresh fruit and vegetables that are much easier to digest). If it is determined the heartburn is being caused by prescription medication, the doctor may alter the dosage of the medication or change to another type if one is available. The patient may also be prescribed anti-acid medication until the offending medication is accepted by the patients body and the side effects disappear.

Acid indigestion, as it is often called, can be an extremely uncomfortable feeling. Unfortunately, It can also induce similar symptoms to a heart attack and therefore should never be ignored. When you are suffering from chronic heartburn, getting help from a doctor or other medical professional is important to prevent any additional damage to the oesophagus or to learn if it is hiding another, potentially more dangerous, condition.

As with most other bodily functions, it is important to act swiftly to determine what the problem is, what causes the problem and what needs to be done to cure the problem before it gets worse, but more importantly why suffer at all when with a little thought and preventative action this discomfort can be completely avoided and other complications associated with it will never arise..

What Types Of Medication For High Cholesterol Are There

If you have tried everything to try and reduce your cholesterol with little to no success, then it could be time to explore the option of medication for high cholesterol. Medications for high cholesterol are used when a patient has not responded well to lifestyle and dietary changes. You will find that there is a large variety of medications and they all do different things. There are blood pressure medicines, cholesteral medicines, allergy medicines and just about any and every kink of medicine you can think of. All the medications have different probable side effects.

Your doctor can decide what the best medication for you is. They will look at your family history and other factors such as developing heart disease. But remember that medication alone should not be used to reduce your cholesterol levels also make sure that you change your life style habits.


Statins are very accepted medication for high cholesterol. They work to lessen your body’s capability to create LDL cholesterol, or bad cholesterol, in addition to triglycerides. This medication may in addition help to increase good cholesterol somewhat. Unfortunately there are side effects to taking the drug. You may experience diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain, muscle soreness and it is not advisable to take this medication with grape fruit juice. Some people take this drug with no complaints but you should discuss any side effects you experience with your doctor right away.

Bile Acid Binding Resins

This is one of the medication for high cholesterol that work to reduce LDL levels but a side effect may be that you experience an increase in triglycerides. Other side effects associated with this drug are bloating, gas, nausea and constipation.

Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors

This medicine does precisely what the name says. It inhibits your body’s capability to soak up cholesterol from the food you eat. This will decrease LDL levels as well as slightly decrease triglyceride levels. Your HDL levels may also increase somewhat though continued exercise and consumption of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats is advised to keep increasing HDL levels.


These drugs do not decrease the level of LDL cholesterol in your body. Instead it will lower the level of triglycerides and increase the level of HDL cholesterol in your body. There is a risk of developing gallstones, nausea and stomach pain in terms of side effects.


Niacin is one of the uncommon medications for high cholesterol that are available over the counter. It is however desirable to seek prescription niacin to obtain the correct dosage. The benefits of this medication are that you will be able to up your HDL cholesterol while decreasing your LDL and triglyceride levels. Some of the more serious side effects include high blood sugar, peptic ulcers and gout.

What The Doctos Don't Tell You Prevent Heart Disease

Roughly one quarter of all deaths are attributable to heart disease caused by clogged or 'furred up' coronary (heart) arteries, a illness known as atherosclerosis that is brought on by high blood cholesterol levels. A essential element of heart disease is your lifestyle and what foods you eat.

Easy actions like sticking with a 1 week detox, getting some exercise, shedding a few pounds and giving up smoking can play a big part in reducing your chances of heart disease - you could also try using a foot detox to help mop up all those toxins flooding round your body.

Warning signs of heart disease

If you develop heart disease, you are at elevated risk of developing angina (severe chest pain resulting from your heart not receiving sufficient oxygen), a heart attack; an arrhythmia (which is an extraordinary heart beat, which does bring about shortness of breath, vertigo and even death); or heart failure (when the heart can't pump efficiently, leading to shortness of breath, lethargy, swelled ankles, and which eventually might cut short your life expectancy).

Coronary Artery Disease can start in arterial blood vessels in different parts of your body, particularly the brain, kidneys, or legs. This can lead to strokes, kidney failure, or restricted circulation in the legs and in some cases amputation. Other problems of the heart and blood flow system include high blood pressure, heart attacks and varicose veins. There are some medications to help in some of these areas including blood pressure medicine.

Most heart troubles can be avoided, or improved significantly by taking appropriate action. To lessen your risk of heart disease, you should follow a healthy diet, reduce the amount of salt in your diet, learn how to quit smoking, only drink the recommended amount of alcohol, get a little exercise at least 3 times a week, get your weight down (there's plenty of easy weight loss tips to help you), and reduce your stress levels. If you have high blood pressure you want to make sure you get it down and you may need a blood pressure medicine to do that.

Green tea is low in caffeine and high in antioxidants, and is thought to help prevent heart and circulatory disease, and is a tasty addition to a detox diet. At the moment the evidence for this is inconclusive, drinking green tea seems to be sound, so it might be worthwhile trying together with other preventative steps.

Why You Need to Discuss Heart Disease With Your Physician

When you learn how to discuss your concerns and questions with your physician, you are taking an important first step. You are not the only person who has problems communicating their concerns to the health care provider who performs your check-ups. But when it comes to heart disease no question should be left unanswered.

Sometimes people hope that the answers to their questions will come out in the process of being examined instead of asking them point blank. HMOs and the busy schedules of doctors with waiting rooms full of patients sometimes do not allow the doctor to spend as much time with each patient as they would like. Women particularly need to speak up, because even though they suffer half the deaths from heart disease, doctors hesitate to discuss this subject with them.

Questions that you should ask your doctor include what your blood pressure is recorded as and what is normal for you. You may at some point need to get blood pressure medicine so you need to ask about that too. You need to know what your blood cholesterol and glucose levels are and if they are considered normal. Find out from your physician what tests are recommended for your age group presently and in the years to come.

If medication has been prescribed, do not hesitate to ask if there are side effects, what the drug is supposed to do, and should you take other medication, even over the counter, with your prescribed medicine. Also find out if this is a long term medication or temporary. Tests to monitor the effect of the medication you are taking should be conducted at a later date if it is recommended by your doctor. The liver is one organ that most doctors consider testing when a patient is on certain medicines.

If you always get home and remember something that you forgot to ask the doctor, make a "need to know" list and take it with you on your next visit. Do not forget to bring with you the medications that you are presently on as well. If you have more than one health care provider, this is a must.

Add to your list any surgeries or relevant illness that you have had and been treated for in the past few years. This should be in your medical chart so that the doctor can be aware of anything that might cause a problem.

In conclusion, if you think that you may forget what your physician has told you, you can always write it down or record the appointment for later referral. Do not be afraid to check around for a second opinion if you are not comfortable with the treatment that your doctor recommends or if you do not feel that he or she listened to your worries or questions. Always ask about the blood pressure medicine you are given or any other medicine that the doctore subscribes.

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