Questions Everybody Should Ask Them Selves About Disease

1. Where was American heart disease 100 years ago?
2. What are doctors saying about magnesium?
3. Why is 80% of the American population deficient in magnesium?
4. What is the most important mineral?
5. Can’t we just eat better?

Reading all the above questions may lead you to wonder what exactly is going on with today’s American diets. Why has childhood obesity become such a problem? What can I do to fix this mineral deficiency in my own diet? The answer is adding magnesium an inexpensive mineral to ones diet can solve a lot of health problems.

1. As magnesium intake levels have dropped over the last 100 years, heart disease has skyrocketed. In the year 1900, heart disease was virtually unheard of and few doctors specialized in the field. Back then, food and drinking water contained much higher levels of magnesium – levels which are not available today. This is why most American experience some sort of magnesium related disease as they age.

2. The author of “The magnesium factor: Dr. Mildred S seelig, MD said: “Most modern heart disease is caused by magnesium deficiency.”
Dr. Julian Whitaker, MD, one of America’s best known doctors of integrative medicine. Said: “Research has overwhelmingly demonstrated the critical relationship between low levels of magnesium and cardiovascular disease.”

Hundreds of studies confirm that magnesium deficiency is linked to heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure, what’s worse studies also show that 4 out of 5 people are magnesium deficient – and even a small deficiency can lead to serious health problems.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency are as follows:

  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Asthma
  • Anxiety and Panic attacks
  • Nervous disorders
  • Migraines
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Osteoporosis
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Kidney disease

Many researchers believe that magnesium is the single most important mineral in our bodies – even more important than calcium. In fact, when we get low on magnesium, our cells can not and does not use calcium properly, leading to over calcified heart muscles, hardening of arteries, and brittle bones. Additionally, low cell magnesium leads to insulin resistance, the primary cause of type II diabetes.

Studies show that 90 percent of the individuals with type II diabetes have low levels of free intercellular red blood cell magnesium. When admitted to the hospital for heart trouble, the first thing you are hooked up to in the ER is a magnesium drip. Magnesium is essential to those suffering from a heart attack.

You might be asking your self, can I just eat better? Magnesium is unlike other minerals in the body. Our body does not store magnesium so we need to constant daily supply. Even fruits and vegetables don’t have much magnesium anymore, due to modern farming techniques. Another primary source of magnesium was drinking water, but with modern filtration eliminates minerals like magnesium from the water.

Fortunately, magnesium amino acid chelate is one of the least expensive minerals found in your local health food store or grocery store. Magnesium comes in many forms, amino acid chelate, aspartate, citrate, oxide, and carbonate. No matter what form of magnesium you decide to purchase, it is important to get at least 400mg each day minimum. If you are currently taking a calcium supplement, consider switching to one that is blended with magnesium. For best results take your 400mgs before bedtime which will help you relax and get to sleep faster.

Get The Truth About The Link Between Salt And High Blood Pressure

Salt is a very valuable part of our diet and we have used it for thousands of years to add taste to our food and as a preservative. Indeed, although many people in the West simply take it for granted, in very many countries it is a very important economic commodity and many older readers will no doubt remember the part played by salt in bringing British rule in India to and end in the middle of the last century.

Unfortunately however salt is also a significant contributory factor when it comes to the problem of high blood pressure.

Salt is in fact a compound composed of chloride and sodium and when it comes to hypertension it is the amount of sodium which we consume which we need to watch.

It might seem that controlling your salt intake is just a matter of restricting the quantity of salt which you add to food when cooking and which you add to your food at the table. However, the real problem lies in the fact that the majority of the salt which we consume is found in the processed foods which most of us buy every day.

To ensure that you minimize the risk of high blood pressure you have to keep your salt intake under the recommended daily sodium intake figure of 2,400 milligrams and here are some tips to help you do just that:

Remove salt from your table. If you diet is correctly balanced your food will contain enough salt and you do not need to add more while you are eating, so remove the salt from the table.

Learn to read food labels. Food labeling laws are much improved these days and the majority of foods carry nutritional information which includes the quantity of sodium which the food contains. You need to read the labels with care though as frequently the sodium figure given will apply to the whole pack or tin and sometimes it will apply to an individual serving.

Buy low sodium or sodium free foods. A lot of foods today come in sodium free or low sodium options and, wherever possible, you ought to choose these instead of the regular product.

Pick low salt snacks. Most of us enjoy snacking but try to stick to things like vegetable and fruit and, if you feel that you cannot live without those crisps then choose varieties that are low in sodium or salt free.

Monitoring your salt consumption is of course just one thing to do when you watch what you eat and create a diet that is good for your blood pressure.

Exercise The Heart And Prevent Heart Disease

Scientific research indicates that there is proof that exercising your heart is a very healthy thing to do. Regular activity for your heart will keep the heart and it's muscles healthy and strong. By exercising consistently you reduce by about fifty percent the chances of you ever having a heart attack. Powerful news indeed about heart disease and exercise... the correlation between the two. Naturally if you have any concerns about your heart's capability to tolerate exercising, perhaps because of ill health or age... check with your doctor first before beginning an exercise program.


Exercise has the tendency to increase your HDL (high density liproteins – good cholesterol.) HDL is able to pick up cholesterol from inside arteries and remove it from the body. Alternatively LDL (low density lipoproteins – bad cholesterol) tends to adhereto blood cell walls. This can block the flow of blood and cause one to have a stroke or heart attack. The resulting condition is well known as arteriosclerosis.

Benefits Of Exercise To Minimize Heart Disease Risk

Just as any other muscle in our body, your heart gets stronger by stimulation of it with exercise. Your heart's power to propel blood as needed throughout the body, is directly dependent on the power of the muscles of the heart. Exercising moderately just three to five times a week for approximately 30 minutes will definitely strengthen the heart and it's muscles. Other benefits from frequent exercise are: overall body endurance and energy which will also assist prevent damage to the body from strains such as falls; stress reduction which will relax you; increase the strength of your bones and thus diminish the odds you will develop osteoporosis.

Moderate to vigorous activity not only helps to avoid heart disease but also has a favourable affect to your brain and how good you feel. Walking quickly augments blood circulation and oxygen levels throughout the body. Memory skills in the elderly, research have shown, were improved, by going for walks as part of their normal lifestyle.


Chemicals in the brain called endorphins are produced by just 20 to 30 minutes of intermediate activity. Endorphins are the body's natural pain reliever. To accomplish metabolic results from exercise, you need a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes of consistent physical activity. Most everyone has heard of the runner's high... that is the effect of the creation of endorphins. Should you experience any heart pains because of activity that is an signal you are making your heart work to hard.

Maybe you did not realize that heart disease and exercise, lack of exercise that is, have such a connection as is shown in this article. If you are what they call label a "couch potato" it may be time you became a bit more active (and learned how to quit smoking too!)... A lack of regular activity, greatly increases your risk of stroke, heart attack. The point is... a bit of activity on a regular basis is better for your heart and your body than none at all. If you have any anxieties about your heart's health, consult with your doctor, before going forward with an exercise program to prevent heart disease.

Build A Stronger Heart With Natural Vitamin Supplements

High blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, diabetes, and ever increasing stress are all factors related to the leading cause of death for both men and women. Luckily, heart disease is a problem you can do something about. By taking nutritional supplements, making changes in the food we eat, exercising most days of the week, drinking in moderation, and eliminating tobacco use, we can prevent or lessen the effects of heart disease. You want to be doing all the things you can naturally so that you don't have to take a lot of doctor prescribed medications and be constantly searching for diabetes supplies.

After choosing to live a healthier life, it may seem very overwhelming. However, lots of people feel this way. As a result the American Heart Association is urging people to prevent heart disease by identifying their individual risk factors. Each risk factor indicates whether or not you may develop a certain health condition. In heart disease prevention, there are two types of risk factors, those you can control, and those that you can’t control. Risk factors that you can control include: diet, exercise, blood pressure medicine, and the supplements that you take, whereas risk factors that you can’t control consist of age, race, gender, and your family’s history of heart disease.

There are a few, specific supplements that should be taken to increase your health and lower your chances of developing heart disease. You should take a quality heart formula multivitamin, garlic, and a fish oil supplement that provides Omega-3 fatty acids. CoQ10 is also a good way to give complete heart health support. The heart formula multivitamin will provide your heart with the exact nutrients needed to prevent heart disease.

Since the human heart cannot function without adequate amount of vitamins and minerals, it is logical that a multivitamin specifically formulated for heart health would work best. The cells and tissues that make up the heart must have vitamins C, A, and E, and also B1, B6, B12, and folic acid in order to function. These B vitamins are very important because they help to lower homocysteine levels, which is a potential cardiac risk factor. Healthy hearts also need a daily amount of magnesium in order to function correctly. They also need alpha lipoic acid, which is a fatty acid that provides protection against high cholesterol and blood pressure. Along with magnesium and alpha lipoic acid, lutein and lycopene keep our arteries free from buildup, which can later lead to heart attacks or strokes. Unlike other multivitamins, which contain herbs and other nutrients that can interfere with prescription medications, a heart formula consisting of the above vitamins, minerals, and nutrients will work with medications to treat heart disease and provide the nutrition that our hearts need.

Garlic supplements have a very long and successful history of preventing premature death from heart attacks. Garlic can also help lower high blood pressure and cholesterol, naturally and effectively. The best garlic supplements contain allicin, which is a compound that lowers harmfully high cholesterol levels. Since allicin is very stable when dry, a properly prepared garlic supplement preserves allicins health producing action until the garlic mixes with the fluids of the intestinal tract. A supplement prepared with enteric coating can also help prevent against garlic breath. In order for a garlic supplement to be the most effective, it must be made from fresh garlic, enterically coated, and provide a daily dose of at least 4,000 mcg allicin. By taking this once daily supplement that delivers 4,000 mcg of allicin, you can significantly and effectively lower your high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Not all fish oil supplements are made the same, some can be harmful, but rest assured there are companies out there who supply fish oil supplements which are naturally loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids and certified free of harmful contaminants and heavy metals. This Omega-3 is a powerful nutrient that is known to prevent heart disease and protect the heart. Research has proven that Omega-3 can reduce the risk of arrhythmias, lower the levels of triglycerides, slow atherosclerosis, and keep blood pressure levels low. With just 600-1800 mg of fish oil, you can get all of the above heart disease prevention. However, you must make sure the fish oil supplement that you take is free from contaminants and is guaranteed fresh. The manufacturer of the fish oil supplement should be able to provide documentation of purity in their product. The supplement should contain no detectable dioxin, which is a widely used toxic preservative, DDT (a toxic insecticide), PCBs, or heavy metals such as mercury or lead. Before you buy any fish oil supplement, ask the clerk if you can open the bottle and smell the contents. A fishy smelling fish oil supplement means it may contain heavy metals and could be rancid, which is not going to help your heart at all. It may actually hurt it.

CoQ10 is part of our energy producing system by working directly with our mitochondria in each cell. The mitochondria generate 95% of the energy that the body requires and are more abundant in places that require more energy. Because of this fact, the heart has a large number of mitochondria in its cells, each needing CoQ10 to help them produce the most energy that they can. Because CoQ10 levels can become dangerously depleted by medications for high cholesterol levels, it is important to take at least 100 mg - 400 mg of CoQ10 each day. Otherwise, the good that the medications are doing to lower cholesterol levels will be negated by the lack of CoQ10 levels. Even if you have already been diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), CoQ10 can still help you by slowing down the destruction that occurs. CoQ10 is also known for healing the heart muscles damaged by heart attacks.

There are some types of CoQ10 products that are better than others. The quality of manufacturing has a lot do with which CoQ10 product is best. Make sure to take a CoQ10 supplement that has been used in research conducted by a prestigious university, which the supplement will tell you right on its label. The main requirements for a good CoQ10 are: it must be easily absorbed during digestion, it must reach the mitochondria in the cell, it must be proven effective in studies, and it must be safe and free of impurities.

Although CoQ10 is recommended for people with moderate or high risk factors of heart disease, people with low risk factors can take CoQ10 ever day to reduce their risk of cancer, prevent gum disease, and help certain nerve cells work more effectively. By following all of the above recommendations and taking blood pressure medicine, you can help to keep your heart healthy and strong. All the supplements suggested in this article can be found at your local natural herb store or Internet health food store.

Learn To Control Your Blood Pressure

If you have high blood pressure, you really don't want to be taking blood pressure medicine if you can prevent it. Excercise and yoga might be an answer. For controlling your blood pressure readings, there are two effective yoga exercises that helps lower the blood pressure:

Inverted Yoga

Inverted yoga reverses the action of gravity on the body. The biggest changes when performing Inverted Yoga is due to the circulation. In inverted poses, legs and abdomen are placed higher than the heart.

Lengthening up through the legs and keep them very active so your spine opens and the entire body actively involved in the pose.

The cause is simply due to the force of gravity when reversed and venous return is much greater.

Normally, the muscles of the calf and other skeletal muscles in the lower extremities must contract in order to pump unoxygenated blood and waste back to the heart through the veins.

In inverted poses, gravity causes the blood to flow easily back through the veins and this brings the low heart rate high blood pressure in the feet to a minimum. This in effect gives skeletal muscles a chance to rest.

When partaking in Inverted poses, the draining of waste and blood from the lower limbs along to the heart is amplified and problems such as swollen ankles and vericose veins are relieved.

Rhythmic Breathing

We must learn about breathing techniques, as exhaling and inhaing calms the mind and nourishes the body.

Not just any old breathing will do. If you're like most people, you take shallow breaths, pull in your stomach when you inhale and never empty your lungs of carbon dioxide when you exhale.

Here's the physiological explanation: Long, slow breaths are more efficient than short, fast ones.

To take in a good breath, your lungs must first be basically empty. Hence, exhaling completely is the key to efficient breathing. A full exhalation begins with the upper chest, proceeds to the middle chest and finishes with tightening the abdominal muscles.

After exhaling expect to draw in a deep breath of rich oxygen to nourish your cells. those are some of the ways of how to lower blood pressure.